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Repair of the BPC Tonnerre in 2008 for the French army


Avec une expertise reconnue dans la construction et la réparation navale, SÉNÉGAL INOX réalise des projets maritimes divers et notre équipe qualifiée assure un travail conforme aux normes internationales les plus élevées, tout en respectant les délais et budgets.

Maintenance et réparation navale pour le offshore, certifiées BV.

Reparation navale
Reparation navale
Reparation navale
Reparation navale
Reparation navale
construction navale
Reparation navale

Fabrication de Barge de transport motorisée acier, Charge utile 25T

Manutentions et transport routier pour navires jusqu’a 13m et 10 tonnes

construction navale
construction navale
Reparation navale
construction navale

Achievements in Senegal from 2000 to 2018 in shipbuilding and repair.


- Hydrofoil of 5 m and 6.20 for Air boat adventure from 2000 to 2003 operating Saloum Islands from Fimela

- 2 hydrofoils of 5.60 m for Hydropostale: descents of the river from Bakel to Saint Louis, excursions in Gandiolais and barbarian language

- Creation of a transport barge for Vinci energy 12 m x 6 from Djiffer to Betanti, Ndira, Bassoul and Dionowar

- Repair of the Ndiambour ship in 2006 following damage at sea, Senegalese army

- BPC Tonnerre repair in 2008 French army

- Repair of flagship Kédougou in 2016 Senegalese army

- Manufacturing of 6 stainless steel rudders for the Ivorian navy in 2017 on 30 meter escorts

- Manufacturing of the mold for the Trimaran du Terroubi 18 meters 2013

- Conveyance of customs boats in 2008 from Dakar to Ziguinchor, Saint Louis and Podor with 12 m and 7 m launches

- Manufacture of 4 barges measuring 30 m x 12 for the rehabilitation of the Faidherbes bridge in 2010


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Contact :+221 78 169 22 22

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